Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I recently read a blog and was asked this question at the end..."Any big changes happening for you this year?" Hm...let me think. Well, I got married. That's a pretty big deal. I was married a little over a month when I found out I was pregnant. Another big deal. My husband joined the Air Force, too. Any big changes for me? Nah...

This past weekend was probably one of the busiest weekends we've had in a while. I still think I'm recovering from it. Yesterday the hubby and I discovered two things: #1. We can bake a mean blackberry pie and #2. Pushing Daisies is one of the best T.V. shows! I'm pretty sure its canceled, although I really wouldn't know since we do not have cable. Seasons 1 & 2 are in our Netflix instant que, so that's pretty much what we did yesterday. I love it! It has a retro feel and the clothes are amazing!

I guess this is what inspired us to make a pie...

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahah! your last line made me laugh. :) Glad you're recovering friend!
