*I have 12 days until my due date!
*Caroline currently weighs approximately 7 lbs, 5 oz.
*I get to see my husband in 20 days!!! (But hopefully sooner...crossed fingers!)
*Tomorrow is my last day of work until I return from maternity leave.
*I have been watching The Family Stone over and over and over.
*Our little home is completely decorated for Christmas. Our Charlie Brown tree...

I really wanted a real tree this year, but decided against it since I'm 9 months pregnant and husbandless. I'm extremely thankful my husbandless situation is only temporary!
*Caroline's room is so close to being complete! Only lacking the bedding...

Oh, and the something fun that is going above her crib!
*I'm extremely tired of everyone's opinions and advice on motherhood, babies, c sections, etc. And if one more person says "You haven't had that baby yet?!", I think I might scream. :)
That's about it. Nothing too exciting around here lately. Give me a month or so and then I'll have lots of fun stories! Happy Thursday!
Wow, 12 days! That's amazing! Hoping you have a good next few weeks :)