I've already framed and scrap-booked a few. My plan is to send some to Carl so he can see them, but I'm not sure if he can get pictures or not. Last night I put my sewing machine to good use and made Caroline a Christmas burp cloth and a Saints blankie!

I used Minky fabric for the back of both and it is hard to sew! It stretches and pulls a lot, so it took a little longer than I thought. I also did another page in Caroline's little book...

I need to get more pictures printed so I can do more pages! With Carl being gone, our dinning room table has turned into my craft spot. There is definitely no room to eat!

Sometimes I think I need to pick it up, but what's the point right now? :) I'm trying to decide what to do tonight and pondering my options. Part of me wants to stay home, but I've been here all day. It starts to get too quiet around. I miss my husband!! My blog posts might be few and far between in the upcoming weeks, but hopefully I'll keep it up!
you need to blog more so I can have more stuff to read while I'm at work. :P -kate