Sunday, June 13, 2010

the name game...

We find out in a little over a month if we are having a girl or a boy. That still seems like forever away, but I guess if I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer. Our boy name is pretty much set in stone. We picked it out at the beginning and it hasn't changed. Our girl name, that's a different story. We just can't seem to agree on anything except for Caroline. I really like Caroline, but its hard to give up on some of the others that I love. Here's a short list. :)


There's just so many cute names! Carl isn't a fan of any of those. Geez... Our girl name started off as Isabella. I still like that name, but Twilight kinda ruined it for me. Now we are on to Caroline, but we do not have a middle name. I really think Caroline Elizabeth is adorable, but Carl doesn't like that either. Maybe it will be a boy and we won't have to debate. Jonah Brice it will be...

1 comment:

  1. or you can be like me and just tell him to shush and name her what you want. :P and you can always name future babies these names! or dogs, if that's the case.

    p.s. i haven't seen you in forever! i have to get my rear to church!
