Hey greatest wife ever! Would you be so great as to bring tour hubbub a come when you get off?
I could tell that he was typing it in a hurry. It took me a minute, but then realized he wanted a Coke. I'm good! Anyway, after that I headed to Target to get a few groceries and a wedding shower gift. I also picked up my husband's (or hubbub, as Carl likes to say) birthday present. His birthday is Sunday, but we are celebrating Friday with friends. This is a fantastic present I must say. It doesn't come close to his Christmas present last year, but its still awesome. I kinda wanted it, too...

I'm sure we are one of the last people on the planet to get one, but better late than never right?
Last night Carl and I watched a little film, or documentary I guess, called "Lord, Save Us from Your Followers". I think you should watch it to form your own opinion, but I definitely saw where this guy was coming from. Christians are to be like Christ, but sometimes we are just the opposite. Instead of love, we pass judgment. I could go on and on, but I'm not really sure how to express my thoughts on it right now. It definitely made me think. If you have the time, or an interest, watch it. :)
I knew it.