The first ultrasound at 7 weeks.

The second ultrasound at 11 weeks.
Isn't it insane the amount of change and growth that happens in 4 weeks?! It went from a blob to a baby in no time! I really like this picture. That's his (or her) little hand coming up by the face. I like to think he's waving at me. :)
Well, the point of this post was to talk about my baby, but also to tell you the other exciting news I got yesterday. I haven't gained any weight! That might sound terrible, but you aren't supposed to gain any weight in your first trimester. I try not to pig out completely, but I don't really hold back either. I just knew I had gained and was going to get a talking to from my doctor. It will all probably catch up with me in the second trimester though. My pants already don't fit anymore. Is it worth gaining weight and feeling chubby for a while? Absolutely!
After my doctor's appointment, my mom and I went out for lunch and did a little shopping. I found some very fun vintage that I'll share later!