honor of valentine's day, i figured i would tell you about my valentine. i met carl in march of 2008 when he came to the bcm (baptist collegiate ministry) to play with our band. he was cute and the new guy. of course, most of the single girls began to swoon since there was some new testosterone in the place. we introduced ourselves and probably 5 minutes later he couldn't remember my name. jerk face. anyway, he continued to come to bcm and the more he was around, the more i liked him. i guess it was just a little crush. he was cute, a musician, funny, and he loved Jesus. i really, really didn't want to like him. so i told myself he was a dumb boy and that was that. except it wasn't. because every thursday he was still cute and funny. my little crush did go away for a while, but december changed that. i hadn't seen him in a while since bcm takes a break between semesters. he sent me a message on facebook and the rest is history. we started dating on january 23, 2009 and got married january 23, 2010. when i look back, i'm amazed at how God brought us together. carl is my best friend. i love being his wife and having him around all the time. i love waking up to him in the morning. we joke and act silly and watch "The Office" together. he makes me laugh until my belly hurts. i love him more than anything. he's my bun. i'm excited this is forever. and thankful. forever and ever amen. i'll be back later with today's picture! here's some pictures to hold you over til then...

:) Love your story dearest.