Friday, February 26, 2010
not really sure what day it is...
hello friends! i'm not sure if i should count this as day 26 considering i've pretty much taken this week off. it has been one of the longest weeks of my life. there is just so much going on that its hard to even think straight. monday will bring a new week and new outfits. i got lazy and stressed so 50 days of cute slid to the back burner. tonight is girl's night with the best women i know. i'm making brownies and looking forward to eating them. :) they make my kitchen smell glorious! i really need time with these ladies. i'm sure i'll do a lot of talking, and listening, and laughing. maybe even a smidgen of crying, but hopefully not. you can't be too sure though when you get a group of gals together. on another note, the husband and i meet with a recruiter tomorrow. why? my husband is joining the reserves. or maybe even going AD (active duty). either way, i will be somewhat of a military wife. i will be alone for 8 weeks while he is at basic training. i will have to write him letters like its 1940 or something. i guess it will be a fun addition to our story...
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
day 23...
wait...where's day 22? did you miss me? well, the truth is that i didn't want to blog yesterday. i really don't want to today either, but i figured i would just so you know what's up. yesterday was a rough one. thinking back, i'm not really sure why. i would have been able to tell you yesterday. i know i had some break down over our washer. long story short, we are currently on our 3rd new washer in a span of a week and a half. today hasn't been much better because i've felt sick all day. i think i know why, but i'm not a hundred percent sure. don't get too excited...i'm not having a baby. hopefully. anyway, when you feel sick and are on an emotional roller coaster, blogging just isn't on the top of the list. i did dress somewhat cute today. maybe i'll get the energy to upload and post the picture soon. please don't hold it against me if i don't though. tonight the husband and i were going to go out to eat and run by target to buy a movie, but considering my current condition, we aren't. :( hopefully tomorrow will be much, much better.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
day 21...
is it really day 21 already? sorry i didn't come back yesterday with the photo. we got home a little later than i thought, so carl took the picture and i was off to bed. here's day 20...

leggings...zoe's closet
flats...banana republic
the angle of this picture makes my feet look huge! thanks husband! :)
and here's today...

i wanted to be cute, but still bum it a little (obviously).
tank...american eagle
jeans...old navy (probably the most comfortable shoes i own!)
today the hubby and i slept in, had coffee, went to strawn's for yummy food and pie, made a trip to michael's (yay!) and just enjoyed each other's company. i'm starting to get a headache, but all in all...good day.
for funsies...

hers and his :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
day 20...
hello friends! happy saturday! today will be filled with fun things and i really should be getting ready. my first stop is the grocery store to pick up a prescription. then i'm off to my parent's house to get the last bit of my junk. hopefully i won't come home with too much. the apartment is about to overflow with stuff. actually, neither of those things sound that fun, but then i'm off to my lovely friend kate's for a craft day. my goal is to finish (or mostly finish) a painting that i'm doing for our living room. i'll be back after church tonight with the 50 days of cute picture, but right now i leave you with this...

i got this from one of the kids at work. the creepiest valentine i think i've ever seen!
Friday, February 19, 2010
day 19...
dear friday,
you have finally arrived! i'm glad you are here and i've enjoyed your visit. do you think you could talk your friends saturday and sunday into staying a while? i'm not a big fan of that monday guy. thanks! i love you!
jen harris
today has been good. work is over and the weekend is here! the only sad part about today is that i found out my car insurance is going up instead of down! those crazies at state farm! i'm getting a discount for being married, but losing my multi car discount...and car insurance is more in shreveport than haughton! anyway, i was a little out raged since i thought i would be paying less. i'm sick of everybody and their mama wanting more of my money! ok, ok...enough of my rant. let's get down to the reason you're really here...
due to technical difficulties, a picture is not available at this time. we are working as quickly as we can to fix this problem. thank you for your patience.
here's a brief description of the outfit...
teal boyfriend
gray hoodie...old navy
jeans...american eagle
Thursday, February 18, 2010
day 18...
today was much better than yesterday. i felt really cute and got lots of compliments on the dress. target never lets me down. :) after work i went to ross and found a comforter for our bed. i've had a hard time finding one that i really like for a price that i was willing to pay. i got it for only 24.99! i was excited. it was an epic search. the plan for the rest of the evening is to hang the curtains the bedroom. i'm so ready for this apartment to feel finished!
bangles...forever 21
the lighting was a little off this morning, but you still get the idea. it was definitely another target day. i should probably give some new stores my money instead of target and old navy. see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
day 17...
50 days of cute took a dark turn this morning. i woke up way before my alarm (5:15). i couldn't go back to sleep, so i crawled out of bed at 5:30. i felt good and awake so this didn't bother me too much. i made lunches and took my time eating breakfast. i took a shower and then proceeded to pick out my outfit for the day. sometimes i do this the night before, other days i do it in the morning. i picked a cardigan out of my stash. it had a hole. crap it. i picked out another one. it had a hole, too (and no, i don't have moths). what the heck? by this point i was upset because time was running out to get ready and i had no clue what to wear. a few minutes later i find myself on the floor crying. not just a few tears either. crying and throwing a fit like a baby. my poor husband. he did the best he could to comfort me. i was a mess. a hot mess. to make a long story short, i went to work with no make-up and stretchy pants. i cried so much that i ran out of time to get completely ready. how ridiculous? as i poured my coffee i looked at carl and said, "i've broken all of my rules". i guess i'm taking this more seriously than i thought. i'm sure i care way more about this than any of you do. it was a rough day. i guess if you are a female, you can understand. i'll have a picture tomorrow. promise.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
day 16...
we are having tacos for dinner and i'm quite excited about that so this will be another short post. sorry friends. i have lots of stuff to get done around the house as well. 

grey turtle neck...old navy
floral cardigan...old navy
jeans...old navy
flats...shoe carnival
maybe i should stop shopping at old navy...
see you tomorrow!
Monday, February 15, 2010
day 15...
i don't really feel like blogging today for some reason. its going to be a short post. very short.

knit (it was originally white. i got bored with it and dyed it yellow!)
long sleeve
boots...shoe carnival
its definitely a target day! oh...and my valentine's present from the in laws...

i never thought i would be so excited to get 2 large, white boxes. :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
day 14...
happy valentine's day! i hope your day has been full of love and matter what your situation.

navy long sleeve tee...old navy
grey sweater...abercrombie and fitch
belt...jc penney
jeans...old navy
flats...old navy
earrings...jc penney
i'll be back later to show you my valentine's present! :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
day 13...continued
as promised, here's today's picture...
green pumps...payless
hope everyone had a fantastic saturday!
day 13... honor of valentine's day, i figured i would tell you about my valentine. i met carl in march of 2008 when he came to the bcm (baptist collegiate ministry) to play with our band. he was cute and the new guy. of course, most of the single girls began to swoon since there was some new testosterone in the place. we introduced ourselves and probably 5 minutes later he couldn't remember my name. jerk face. anyway, he continued to come to bcm and the more he was around, the more i liked him. i guess it was just a little crush. he was cute, a musician, funny, and he loved Jesus. i really, really didn't want to like him. so i told myself he was a dumb boy and that was that. except it wasn't. because every thursday he was still cute and funny. my little crush did go away for a while, but december changed that. i hadn't seen him in a while since bcm takes a break between semesters. he sent me a message on facebook and the rest is history. we started dating on january 23, 2009 and got married january 23, 2010. when i look back, i'm amazed at how God brought us together. carl is my best friend. i love being his wife and having him around all the time. i love waking up to him in the morning. we joke and act silly and watch "The Office" together. he makes me laugh until my belly hurts. i love him more than anything. he's my bun. i'm excited this is forever. and thankful. forever and ever amen. i'll be back later with today's picture! here's some pictures to hold you over til then...

Friday, February 12, 2010
day 12...
snow day! i'm loving today. i woke up this morning, looked out the window, and the ground was covered. i had to drag carl out of bed around 8. then we stepped outside for a little fun in the snow. i'm glad we got up when we did, because now its starting to melt. :( it was fun while it lasted i guess. and it gave me a 4 day weekend! thank you snow!

pink pea
skinny jeans...old navy
hound's tooth rain
pink gloves...old navy
green hoodie (underneath my pea coat)...old navy
i know i look like the biggest goof. i had fun though. happy snow day!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
day 11...
do i really live in louisiana? its snowing! and it has been all day! i got ready for work this morning like always. my husband walked me to the door like always. and what do you know? i turn around and there it was. falling, white greatness. i was excited. carl didn't seem to be as thrilled. probably because it brought back terrible memories of 3 weeks ago when we almost died trying to get home from our honey moon. we had to drive in several inches of snow. it was icy and cold and wet and terrifying. since we come from louisiana, we never really see much snow. driving in it was new and very distressing. anyway, my main reason for being so excited was the fact that i might not have to work tomorrow. oh, the perks of being a pre-school teacher...and it turns out that i don't have to work tomorrow! school is cancelled! this means i have a 4 day weekend! i'm very excited about this. the only sad thing is that it really doesn't want to stick. it sticks in some parts, but the temp is still a tad above freezing. if it was cold enough, we would probably have several inches by now. i'm pretty sure this is the longest post i've made so far, but its just been a glorious day...

hound's tooth jacket...belk (this was in a bag for goodwill...i'm so glad i changed my mind!)
long sleeve
wide leg jeans...beth's closet (originally old navy)
bow headband...forever 21 (sorry you can't really see it. accessories don't show up very well)
tonight the husband and i are heading to his parents house for dinner and to make some returns. we have their card table, suitcase, lap top, and some tupper ware. i'll be glad to give these things back and make more room for our junk! oh, and for kicks and giggles...

my husband. i love him more than anything or anyone else. he's my favorite. this his "jim" face.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
day 10...
happy wednesday! today was long and exhausting and some what frustrating. i really enjoy my job and the kids i have in my class, but some days it feels like too much. just about anything that could happen today did. i'm glad to be at home, sitting on my couch, and watching the british version of "The Office" with my husband. although, the british version kind of stinks. has anybody else watched some of it? what are your thoughts?'s picture...

dress...beth's closet (originally old navy)
plum tights...kohl's (vera wang again...greatness!)
bangles...forever 21 (sorry you can't really see them!)
as i exited my home to head to work, i grabbed my pink pea coat and a mustard scarf. the scarf looked cute since some of my bangles were yellow, but the coat? terrible choice. i looked like a hot mess until i got to work and took it off. i then remembered that my tan pea coat is still at my parent's house. sad day. anyway, i hope all of you had a great day and felt so cute! :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
day 9 again...
so...i figured i would update since some new fun clothes have come into my world. my good friend and neighbor, beth, has great taste. her outfits are so fun and inspiring. we like to borrow each others clothes and trade/take some pieces. its very fun to live so close to such a good friend. we have wonderful conversations and i'm blessed to have her literally 30 seconds away. she brought me some lunch and came to visit since i wasn't feeling well. she decided to clean out her closet and get rid of some things. :) its like going shopping for free! i love it! i came home with some really fun things that i can't wait to work into my wardrobe.
on another note, i am feeling much better. it actually didn't take me long to feel better either. i rested on the couch for a bit and turned on "The Office". i got a little bored so decided to pick up around our little home. picking up turned into full blown cleaning. i might regret it later, but right now i still feel ok. i'm going to start dinner soon because i'm sure that hubby of mine will be hungry when he gets home from work. hope everyone has had a good day! i'll be back tomorrow with day 10!
day 9...
today's outfit only lasted about 2 hours. i got sick at work and had to come home. hopefully i can get to feeling better so this time can be used productively. i have so much to do and since i'm not at work, it would be nice to do something. although, if today is spent in bed, or on the couch watching "The Office", i guess that's ok too...

white button up...forever 21
i'm pretty sure the rest of the outfit is repeats. maybe tomorrow i'll get more creative. :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
day 8...
monday. today is not terrible, just monday. i had to pay our electric bill today. we can mail it in, but since we just changed our account, we don't have checks yet. i pay with cash. and where do i go to pay this bill? the liquor store. that's right. thrifty liquor. i instantly felt cute walking in. i think i was the only one there with all of my teeth...including employees. i hope this is not offensive to anyone. anyway, here's today's...

teal cardigan...old navy (on sale for 4 big ones!)
mustard top...banana republic
skinnies...old navy (i own 2 pairs from ON and love them both!)
gray scarf...forever 21
rose bud headband...francesca's
tonight the hubby and i are having dinner with my parental units. this means that i will come home with more of my stuff and things my mother doesn't want anymore.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
day 7...
its been a good day. i made banana pudding and it pretty much rocked. i didn't have to bring any leftovers home! the best part about today? i got to spend it with my husband. oh...and the Saints won the freaking Super Bowl! hecks yeah! here's today's picture...

mostly repeats here. i had to wear my Saints shirt on game day though. the new goods...
hoodie...old navy (possibly my fave)
jeans...american eagle
aviators...kenneth cole (we were about to walk out the door and i remembered that i hadn't taken the picture yet. the shades made it in!)
goodnight loves! WHO DAT!!! :)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
day 6...
I'm tired and ready for bed. This will be a short post friends.

mustard cardigan...jc penney
pink scarf...old navy
cream top...old navy
skinny jeans...old navy
maybe its just because i'm tired and its been a long day, but i felt kinda frumpy today and not so cute. oh well. tomorrow guys!
Friday, February 5, 2010
day 5...
5 days's been a long, but good day. since sunday is the super bowl, i wanted to feel festive today. its not that cute, but i'm supporting the team! i am a louisiana gal after all.

saints local academy sports
long sleeve (i really wish i would have worn a black tee. what was i thinking? oh well.)
jeans...american eagle
gold flats...old navy
so...are you watching the super bowl? who are you rooting for? WHO DAT!!! til tomorrow friends!
oh, and a quick thanks to my photographer and husband. he takes my picture every morning. thanks bun!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
day 4...
i really, really didn't want to get out of bed this morning...which means i also didn't feel like being cute or getting ready for the day ahead. i did though because of this dumb blog. so there you go. i feel better though because today has been great! and i'm glad i felt cute. the longer i'm married the harder it is to get up and go to work. the boy laying next to me is just so darn handsome. i'd rather cuddle.'s today's picture.

navy dress...old navy
chocolate belt...zoe's closet (local boutique)
pumpkin spice tights...khol's (simply vera by vera wang. the best tights i've ever owned!)
well, i'm off to start dinner. later kids!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
day 3...
hello friends! day 3 is here. i felt really cute today so that's good. i guess that's the point of this whole thing. i also got lots of compliments on my dress. thanks target! :)
grey tights...banana republic
boots...shoe carnival (i really like these boots!)
black wood
earrings...jc penney
i wore my pink pea coat from target and a grey scarf from forever 21 when i ventured outside to go to work. i guess things like that won't make the pictures. if you haven't figured it out yet, i really love me some target. well friends...i'm off to eat dinner with my hubby. tonight's yummyness? chicken nuggets and french fries! :)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
day 2...
i feel much better about this today than yesterday. it was a long and busy day so its good to be home in pj pants and what i like to call my "slipper boots". i'm blogging from my couch while my husband and i watch "Sunshine Cleaning". here's today's 50 days of cute...

olive v neck
white floral cardigan...old navy
skinny jeans...old navy
boots...shoe carnival
teal bracelet...good girl art (springfield, mo)
til tomorrow friends!
Monday, February 1, 2010
day 1...
well friends, its here. day 1 of 50 days of cute. i somewhat forgot about it which means i do not have a picture for you. carl, my wonderful husband, offered to take one for me now, but i'm tired and not feeling very cutesy. i feel like this isn't a very good start to my venture, but at least i'm blogging right? anywho...for today i will give you a brief description of my outfit. maybe you can get an idea.

floral peasant-ish top...abercrombie
cream ruffle cardigan...abercrombie
jeans...old navy
as far as accessories go, i'm wearing just simple pearl earrings. the earrings i wore on my wedding day actually. i wore my green old navy pea coat and decided to forego (sp?) the scarf because it wasn't that cold today.
i know this isn't much fun for you, my readers, or reader (carl), but this is as good as it gets today. its honestly not that much fun for me either, but i know it will get better when i feel prepared. tomorrow there will be a picture and hopefully a much better blog post. hang in there with me...

well, he talked me into taking one. i looked so thrilled, i know. i guess this makes it a little better though. :) see ya tomorrow!
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