Tuesday, August 24, 2010
the good and the bad...
I'm not sure how much I've talked about this on my blog, or if I've even mentioned it at all, but my niece, Abby, has Leukemia and is currently at St. Jude receiving treatment. This came as a big shock to our family and still seems unreal sometimes. We are planning on making the trip to Memphis this weekend to see her and if I'm being completely honest, I'm scared. I've dealt with some sickness and death in my 23 years of life, but if you ask me, it is much easier to come to grips with when you are younger. One of the hardest parts is seeing the way it affects my husband. He's not much of an emotional guy, but I know when he hurts. I'm so excited about having our little baby, yet so sad for Abby at the same time. The thought of this happening to Caroline makes me die inside so I can only imagine what Carl's sister is going through. I haven't even had our baby yet, but I know I would give up my life for hers in a heartbeat. I'm sure Carl's sister feels the same way about Abby. Please pray for our family, especially Karen and Abby.
Monday, August 23, 2010
the ugly truth...
In a few months, an infant will be living here...

Can you believe it was worse than this at one point?! Most days it doesn't even look this bad, but the hubby likes to get all of his music gear out and then I bring things home and there you go. A hot mess. The room is staying this color so I'm still trying to get a color scheme together that I like for a girl. I've decided on black furniture instead of the white. Hopefully it will come together soon! It is definitely not baby friendly right now! This, however, is all about baby Caroline...

Her closet. I don't think I've gone too far... :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
the big belly...
These last few days I've been feeling extremely envious of non-pregnant bellies. I'm filled with mixed emotions about my changing (and growing) body and have little moments of sadness when something doesn't fit right or that shirt I thought I could still wear doesn't accommodate my stomach anymore. My skinny jeans are slowly becoming a thing of the past and even some of my shoes feel tight. I know all of these feelings are normal, but I want to love this new body and embrace it. My mission is to find cute maternity clothes without breaking the bank. I've tried Target, Old Navy, and Motherhood, so now its time to get creative. I'll share with you my findings. Wish me luck! :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
a new name...
I've been pondering this for a while now and have made the decision that my blog needs a new name. It is no secret that 50 days of cute has been long gone. :) The only problem is I have no clue what to change it to. Any ideas?
On another note, we found out Carl's basic dates yesterday. He leaves October 18th and comes home December 10th. My due date is the 14th. Am I freaking out a bit? Yes! I'm just praying little Caroline decides to make her entrance after the 10th!
I have a few things to get done today since this is my last day off during the week. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I need to get things done around here! Anyone want to get my oil changed for me? I'm really not wanting to do that...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
the favorites...
I've bought a few things for Caroline because its so much fun to buy for a little girl! I try to shop mostly sales and put into consideration the price, level of cuteness, and size. :) Here are some of my favorites...

I've decided that my main shopping spots for this little gal will be Target, Old Navy, Carter's, and Etsy. I ordered her a headband from Etsy the other day and I can't wait to get it! I need to slow down though since my favorite aunt is coming in September and wants to do some shopping! :)
One more thing...

20 weeks. I'm still wearing my regular jeans (with a BellaBand of course)! I'm really paranoid about my feet getting bigger so I'm trying to wear my favorite shoes a lot! The yellow flats get worn at least a few times a week.
Happy Tuesday! I'm off to run errands. Lots of them...
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