Wednesday, April 28, 2010
my heart...
I thought I would take a little time to blog (and brag) about my husband. He is in our yellow room right now strumming away on his guitar and singing every now and then. Do you ever have those moments when things seem so perfectly put together? I know God's hand is in everything, but sometimes I am blown away by this man that He has given me. My husband is nothing short of a blessing. Sometimes when I get scared (or terrified) about having this baby, God uses my husband to remind me that this is good. God gave me an amazing husband and God is giving me this amazing baby. My family is a gift and I'm grateful.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
when you can't choose...
Just get both! Last night the hubby and I went to Target in need of a new movie. We get Netflix, but our new movie hasn't gotten here yet and we don't have cable. We looked for what seemed like forever and finally decided on two movies. One was Carl's pick and the other mine.

I've been wanting to see "Once" for a while now. I really liked it, but fell asleep towards the end. Not because it was boring, but because that was our second movie of the night and I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I really enjoyed "Benny and Joon" as well. I love Johnny Depp and this was another one of his movies that did not disappoint me. Anyway, I was really excited that we picked two movies and they both ended up being good. Carl and I are off to dinner with my parents in about 10 minutes. I should probably go! See you soon!
Monday, April 26, 2010
oops, i did it again...
i forgot 50 days of cute friday! what's my deal? i don't even remember if i dressed cute. so sorry. i'm thinking that i might just nix that feature for now. maybe not forever, but for now. i guess that also means i need to change the name of my blog. :) yesterday carl and i went for a walk around our neighborhood. we walked about 4 miles. thinking back, i wonder if that was a good idea. i didn't take any water with me and became extremely exhausted towards the end. being outside for so long also aggravated my allergies. it was nice to be outside, but the trip was a little too adventurous for a pregnant woman.

so, i always give my husband a hard time for misspelled words and incorrect grammar. every now and then, i'll check his blog for errors. one day he mentioned that i never capitalize anything. and i don't. i'm not sure why. so, since i always give him crap for his mistakes, i'm going to start using capitalization. starting now...
Carl and I really enjoy the movie "Up" and I thought it would be cute to find a onesie saying "adventure is out there". I couldn't find one, so I guess I'll take my shot at making one. I did find these cute things instead...

Apparently when you have a new born, you go through a lot of onesies. At least that's what I keep hearing. I've started to hunt for some cute ones and there are lots out there. I just have to be careful because some are $15! I might just buy some solid colors and make them cute myself. Carl would die if I spent $15 every time I bought a onesie. We checked out the prices of clothe diapers the other day. I still might shop around some, but right now we are set on bum genius brand. I could go on and on about baby things and how sick and tired I feel, but right now Dairy Queen is calling my name! And, I'm sure you're tired of hearing all of the baby talk. :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
the preggies...
i had a bad case of the preggies earlier. carl and i went to target to pick up a few things and we decided that we could each get one thing for fun. my first pick was a liberty of london dress. we walked around a little more and then i spotted them. sour patch kids. i put back the dress and got the candy instead. can you believe it? this girl put back a dress for candy! a $20, super cute dress for some $2 candy. i tried to talk carl into letting me get both, but i guess a deal is a deal. we agreed on one thing. i threw a little bit of a fit, but it didn't work. i'm happy with my decision though. these are the best sour patch kids i've ever eaten! :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
my husband is in the kitchen...
and that scares me. i'm not really sure why. he's a big boy. its not like he is going to destroy the place. i guess i should cut him some slack. i just don't know what's going on in there and it makes me nervous. especially since i just cleaned the kitchen! i'm just going to keep my happy butt on the couch for now. tonight we are going to my parent's house for dinner. i feel like we visit our parents a lot, but i guess that's better than the opposite. i do enjoy spending lots of time with our families, but these days its hard to get off the couch, or out of bed, or where ever i find myself the most comfortable. yesterday we ventured to tyler to see carl's brother and his wife. it was a good trip and i'm glad we went, but it wore me out. i'm ready to start feeling less tired, but if that's my only problem during this pregnancy, then i've got it made. i've read horror stories about all sorts of things and i'm honestly kinda terrified. and the stretch marks? ugh...geez. but, i know billions of women have had babies and things seem to turn out just fine. i know once november gets here, i won't even be worried about stretch marks or how big my butt is. i'm already in love with this little person and i haven't even met him. or her. did i tell you i think its a boy? i do. and if i'm correct, we will have a jonah brice harris in the world. and if its a girl, a little isabella brice harris. brice is a family name and i like it for both. :) here's some fun baby things i love...
Friday, April 16, 2010
when you're tired...
the last thing you want to do is blog. i've been exhausted! last friday i didn't post my 50 days of cute. not because i didn't dress cute. and not because i didn't take a picture. it was because i forgot. completely and totally forgot. i remembered on thursday, so i picked out my outfit. i remembered friday morning and got my husband to take my picture. somewhere between work and starbucks and a baby boutique and home, i lost it. it didn't even cross my mind til a few days later. i think its a serious case of the preggies. that's what i'm going to start calling it. i've been so tired, its not even funny. last saturday my mom and i went shopping and i couldn't even keep my eyes open after lunch. she took me home and slept almost 3 hours. not only am i extremely tired, but also very hungry. all the time. i can't seem to get enough to eat. thank goodness i haven't gained any weight yet, but if i keep eating the way i have been, i'll be the size of a whale in no time. eating an entire can of pringles in one day can not be good! i know i promised a post with stories from easter, but i think that ship has sailed. mostly because i can't remember the stories i was going to tell you. :) i feel like a crappy blogger with nothing fun to say these days. and zero fun pictures for you. i guess that's what happens when you get pregnant. i'm sure i'll get my mojo back soon, i'm just not sure when. the preggies are even getting the best of me now because i can't remember for the life of me what i was going to tell you next. hopefully it will come back to me, but until then here is 50 days of cute friday...

we had rodeo day at work today. i didn't really dress up. i'm not a cow girl. :)
jean jacket...old navy
the hubby and i are off to babysit tonight, but hopefully i'll be back soon with something fun!
Friday, April 9, 2010
so if you haven't heard...
we are having a baby! :) some things come sooner than you think, but God's timing is perfect. we are excited and thankful for the blessing!
Monday, April 5, 2010
being a wife...
i love being married. i love my husband more than anything. i love having him around all the time and waking up to him each morning. i do not love all of the laundry. or cleaning the bathroom. or cooking dinner. or picking up constantly. it is not fun. that's what i'm doing today on my last day off. welcome to the world of being an adult. on the other hand, it has been way fun getting our little home just how i want it. i like to shop and decorate, so it's the perfect combination. i'll be back later with some eye candy and some stories of our easter sunday. :)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
50 days of cute friday (saturday)...
i know, i know. i didn't come back last night with the post i promised. carl and i went to our friend's house for a game night and didn't get home til late. i was so ready to crash, so we went to bed. but, here is yesterday's 50 days of cute!

top...banana republic
jeans...old navy
my friend courtney and i went to some garage sales yesterday morning and i found some fun stuff...

i think the thing i was most excited about was the fabric. or maybe this...

it was only 2 bucks! the frame is terrible and will be removed, but i loved the colors! i think this will find a home in our dinning room. speaking of dinning room, we got new furniture. well, new to us anyway. it's been in our family for a while and it's really old. my parents are thinking around 100 years! i love it!

our china cabinet. i've started to put some things in, but still have a little left to do. carl and i didn't register for china when we got married. we aren't very fancy and china seemed impractical, but my granny gave us a set that belonged to my great aunt. her name was mary valentine and i like to think she was glamorous. i mean, with a name like that, how can you not be? i think what makes me the happiest is knowing that this cabinet is full of memories and things that belonged to my family. from mary val's china, to the tea cup and saucer my mom gave me at my first wedding shower, to some of my nana's dishes, it's all just special. and even though we will probably never use any of it, it's nice to have. and i think we all need a little fancy. the furniture is rather big, and since our dinning room really isn't, we moved the buffet table (is that right? what would be a better name?) to the living room for our t.v. :)

while my parents where in florida picking up the furniture and visiting family, my mom picked me up these...

i've been wanting an owl cookie jar for a while, but didn't want to pay the crazy high prices. the cheapest one i've seen was still 60 bucks! my mom got this one for $20! and the little pink owl teapot is so cute. it's already found a home in the china cabinet. and one more owl for you today...

my coworker, ashley, got me this for easter. it's so cute i don't want to eat it! carl said he would eat it for me. :) sorry this post is so long. that's what happens when you don't blog for a week!
happy easter everyone! tomorrow we will celebrate the day our Jesus conquered the grave! good day...
Friday, April 2, 2010
i'm a terrible blogger...
i haven't blogged in a week! so sorry friends! i'll be back tonight with 50 days of cute friday, my fun garage sale finds, and stories from the week! see you then.
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